The other point here is while one can add vias in thepcb editor you also have to consider the net name of the via before placing the via on the pad and they must be the same to stop DRC hell. On the bottom side of the board if there is a ground plane ...
if there are high requirements for board heat dissipation, you can choose to open a window through a hole. In addition, if you need to use a multimeter to do some measurement work on the via, then make it aviawith a window. However, opening a window...
Updated Dec 9, 2023 Makefile pcbreflux / espressif Star 599 Code Issues Pull requests all espressif stuff will committed here adapter tutorial howto example esp32 pcb kicad espressif Updated Aug 23, 2022 C zpratt / react-tdd-guide Star 596 Code Issues Pull requests A series of...
Around 0.5 mils of solder mask is usual over hang over copper pads. It provides insulation besides solderability. Q5. How to check if PCB trace length matches circuit requirements? By comparing electrical length in layout versus calculated wavelength of critical traces to ensure matching....
In PCB Design, some components in your schematic may only be useful for logic to layout flow and are not PSpice Simulation ready. In this video you will learn how to associate components with their PSpice models so your simulations are accurate....
Via-in-pad is a PCB design technique that places a via directly within a surface mount pad. This allows routing between layers without requiring space adjacent to the pad for a separate via. Via-in-pad can help reduce routing congestion and optimize board space utilization, making it an impo...
Zero-component orientation depends upon the IPC standards that you are going to follow and the density level too. Zero component orientation Avoid hole in a pad: Including a mounting hole in an SMD pad will result in placing unused via in the same pad. It will make the component un...
To become a PCB designer, learn using EDA tools, attain IPC certifications, understand stack-up fundamentals, and pursue specialized courses.
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How to Make the Best of Through-Hole Technology (THT) in High-Speed PCB DesignRight now, high-speed PCB design has been widely applied in so many fields as telecommunication, computer and graph and image processing and all high-tech value added products are designed towards low power ...