As explained, in order to make an user safely access to the system via a smart card, we need to associate one of the X.509 certificates that is present in the card to a system user. The way of doing this changes slightly depending on the authentication provider in use, but as said,...
If the only change you need to make to logging is to set the levels of various loggers then you can do that in using the "logging.level" prefix, e.g. DEBUG ERROR You can also set the location o...
For this using flexbox with plain CSS you would need a combination of flex-wrap: wrap; on the parent, a media query to apply styles specifically to mobile/desktop and the order property to change the div's position for mobile/desktop: .parent { display: flex; gap...
For example you might want to get a list of all views in your current schema/container:C:\github\hana-xsa-opensap-hana7\user_db>hana-cli views Schema: OPENSAP_HANA_USER, View: * SCHEMA_NAME VIEW_NAME VIEW_OID COMMENTS --- --- --- --- OPENSAP_HANA_USER user.models::USER_DETAIL...
If you need to recover a tax return from previous years, you have a few options. Watch this video to find how about recovering past years' tax returns.
//TRCOUT01 DD DSNAME=USERID.TRACE.DATA,UNIT=SYSDA, // SPACE=(CYL,(500,0),,CONTIG),DISP=(NEW,CATLG),DSORG=PS General Considerations for Internal Traces MVS Diagnosis: Tools and Service Aids START STOP TRACE WTRSTART Start the external writer ...
A few more hack which are needed in LAST day on earth are as follow: god mode for everything type of damage, no resources need to make to the chopper and we can’t place and the helicopter or zombie van or the computer lab either and that should be able to place. One glitch in ...
To make use of these definitions, we create a parent and a child:Child child = new Child(123, "child", new Date()); Parent parent = new Parent(10, "parent", child);; // Since the child is referenced, it needs to be saved explicitly in the database // If ...
In order for BDO to process your enrollment, you need to send information to the bank. You may send your BDO Electronic Banking enrollment until 8 P.M. the next day. To send enrollment, login to BDO-Electronic Banking under "User with Pending Application" using your nominated User ID and...
disregard, okay, now how do I acesss the sharepoint list that I want to make these chages on? Import-Module -Name PnP.PowerShell -Debug -Force Connect-PnPOnline -Url $site = $sharedDocumentsURL = $site+"/Shared Documents" $sharedFiles = Get-PnPListItem -List "Shared D...