like takoshi i prefer realizing the changes and transitions with CSS whenever possible. To change the background smoothly, I would insert two div-container with the images as background image. Now change / flip the opacity of them both per transition. So you get some more CSS, ...
Thank you for the quick answer. this is the way I did it originally. But if u notice if u hover over the element and move the mouse away from the element in mid animation. You will notice the animation is not smooth. That's why I created that js to force the...
To make the transition occur, you must specify at least two things — the name of the CSS property to which you want to apply the transition effect using the transition-property CSS property, and the duration of the transition effect (greater than 0) using the transition-duration CSS ...
Imagine, for a second, howdisorientingit would be if touching a doorknob teleported you to the other side of the door. Navigating the web feels like using a teleporting doorknob. Layouts change, elements rearrange or disappear, and it takes time for the user to adjust. Smooth transitions redu...
When combined with the animation or transition property, you can use the opacity property to make an element change from completely transparent to completely opaque (or vice versa) over a period of time. Because of this, the opacity transition CSS is an impactful addition to a site — when ...
Welcome to my public account:front-end detective Normally, hover cannot save state. Move the mouse in to trigger extra styles, which are restored once moved out el:hover{ color: red } This means that if you need to keep the status ofhover, you may have to resort toJS, for example, ...
It might seem like CSS animation is rather limited as a resource, but that can also be one of its advantages. In fact, it's that simplicity that makes some of the good CSS animation examples we've seen on websites and apps work so well. CSS can be used to create smooth 60fps anima...
Topic: HTML / CSSPrev|NextAnswer: Use CSS opacity PropertyYou can simply use the CSS display property in combination with the opacity property to apply a transition effect on element's display (similar to fade in and out effect).
CSS ClockA clock is ideal for demonstrating steps(). We need the clock’s hands to rotate, but not in smooth and continuous movements. Using steps() will allow us to create a motion mimicking that of hands on a real clock.There’s a bit of math involved when using steps(), but it...
Notice how it jumps to that image in the carousel immediately? It would be nice if we could animate that transition a bit — and we can! .gallery { overflow: scroll; scroll-snap-type: x mandatory; scroll-behavior: smooth; } That scroll-behavior CSS property is super handy for this and...