Essentially, these are the only controls — heat to make the balloon rise and venting to make it sink. This raises an interesting question: If pilots can only move hot air balloons up and down, how do they get the balloon from place to place? As it turns out, pilots can maneuver horiz...
There, on the shore of an indoor pond custom built for his purposes, the eccentric, brilliant inventor Nikola Tesla released a weird, metal boat and proceeded to make it zip around over the surface of the water. But how? Many of the stunned onlookers wondered if he was able to control ...
Compared to individuals who rate the importance of their moral identity to be low or moderate, individ- uals who rate the importance of their moral identity to be very high strive harder to behave consistently with their internal moral compass and to make moral decisions (Aquino & Reed,...
Writers’ conference season is almost upon us, however, and proper formatting can make the difference between an enthusiastically-read post-pitch submission and one that our old pal, Millicent the agency screener, picks up with trepidation, so I’d like to smuggle the standard format basics into...
One-on-one pod recorded live and uncut from Jason's house in Glendale. We chat about Canadian Delta One, the Albuquerque Sunport, our new weighted vests, rough trade, what we're reading, we devise a plan to save The RealReal, a $6,000 vintage t-shirt, how to make the real estate...
Essentially, these are the only controls — heat to make the balloon rise and venting to make it sink. This raises an interesting question: If pilots can only move hot air balloons up and down, how do they get the balloon from place to place? As it turns out, pilots can maneuver horiz...