1. "Cut back down to my knees"指的是应该是被社会毒打后磨平了棱角,所有成就付诸东流也重回到了曾经的困境,大概可以类比折翼吧哈哈哈,喇嘛的King Kunta也有一句"Everybody wanna cut the legs off him." 2. "Flash Gordon"和主人公名字Chuck Rogers的原型Buck Rogers都是科幻漫画英雄。 3. "I make my ow...
Yes, me too. 我也是。They make me feel happy. 他们让我觉得很开心。Let s talk 一起说吧Sam: What s this cartoon about? 这个动画片是讲什么的?Sarah: It s about a cat. The cat is a police officer. 猫。在动...
They make me feel happy. 他们让我觉得很开心。Unit 6 A Let’s talkSam: What’s this cartoon about? 这个动画片是讲什么的?Sarah: It’s about a cat. The cat is a police officer. 猫。在动画片里猫是一名警察。S...
Ju stops for a drink of water and crosses her legs on the couch. I’m impressed by her sincerity in trying to make things work for her and doggedness to make New York her own, especially when her family has never once visited her. “Before COVID-19, I flew back to China often and...
(Make sure you enter your email correctly or you won’t receive it!) Download the Cat Longevity Frequency! Extend your cat's life by 10 years. (Enter your correct email because I'll email you the download link.) Yes, I want to extend my cat's life!
God, you make me sing Funny things about you You infect my mind All the time, you do I just can't contain myself In fact I'm worried I may lose my health I can't sleep, eat or hardly breathe I can hardly ever watch you leave And if you need to kiss me Then you'll most de...
I realize that ___my father died, I have been afraid of being alone, and have tried to make my mother pay more attention to me.” w Now Martin has ___ changed. He has been working hard and is now one of the best students in his class. How was he able to change? His mother...
There are extroverts who can keep an entire room rapt with their amazing stories or joke-telling abilities, and then there are the introverts."Listening is a key way to not only take interesting information that you can share later, but to make other people feel interesting themselves," Hagy...
Reward your cat - every time your kitten reacts to her name, praise her in a soft, high pitched voice, and reward her with lots of physical attention like petting, hugs, and treats. Never use punishment - when using the kitten's name doesn't produce the desired reaction, simply ignore...