Chocolate truffles are easy to make with this recipe! Heat cream and pour it over dark chocolate to make a ganache, then flavor and roll in nuts or cocoa powder for your own spin. Make them for a special occasion or whenever the mood strikes!
Nothing beats a homemade cupcake and they are so easy to make! If you have never made homemade cupcakes you are in for a treat because they are sooo much better then the cupcakes made with boxed cake mix! Everything you need to know about making amazing homemade cupcakes along with the...
You only need a saucepan and a handful of ingredients to make this creamy rice pudding recipe, an easy alternative to grocery store cream of rice or cream of wheat. One of my kids’ favorite recipes for hot cereal, you’ll love this homemade cream of rice cereal topped with dried fruit...
Making your own homemade hot chocolate mix couldn't be easier. This three-ingredient recipe will have you well prepared for cozy season. Just add hot water!
the most low-maintenance of the bunch. All you need to do is dunk your favoriteice popinto the chocolate shell mixture—right before the chocolate firms up, cover the pop with your favorite sprinkles. It's an easy way to give ice pops (whether store-bought or homemade!) a little extra...
How to make homemade hot chocolate mix from scratch that your kids will love! This homemade hot chocolate mix is free of refined sugars and totally clean eating.
If you love gooey marshmallow and melted chocolate sandwiched between crunchy graham crackers, then you’re going to love this easy S’mores recipe, one of my favorite easy desserts. Yep! You can make s’mores, the classic treat, at home — no fire required. All you need are three ingred...
Making croissants from scratch is a project, but this one includes a couple of shortcuts to make it a little bit faster.
Be careful not to burn it. 33. Pour the chocolate all over the cake. It should cover the whole cake. You can use a spatula to help spread the chocolate on the sides of the cake. 34. That's all enjoy your very own chocolate cake and be proud you made it yourself. ...
A chocolatier shares her Chocolate Making Tips so you can make the best homemade chocolates. Learn how to choose the right chocolate, melt it properly, and use it to create decadent candies. Learn how to make modeling chocolate (candy clay) and how to fi