[Guide] DayZ How To Make a Splint [Guide] DayZ How To Make a Fire [Top 10] DayZ Best Food [Guide] DayZ How To Make a Base Michał Kalinowski No-life from a cold land, been playing video games since the age of 7, from FPS to MOBA's, Spent thousands of hours on PC/Console ...
The fastest way to create your world is using the 'paint' tab. First, set the size and shape of your brush with the top two options, and then make sure the 'Terrain' pip is checked in the list of options below. In the drop down menu below 'Terrain' you'll be able to select ...
deploys the unique ability Guardian Lance on the terrain and consumes a set amount of ammo upon deplayment. The deployed Guardian Lance lasts for a set amount of time, and hitting the Guardian Lance deals damage to nearby enemies. Each time the deployed Guardian Lance is hit, its duration ...
Its also a valid tactic to just pin down people with body blocks. But it also allows a smaller group to use terrain and positioning to hold back a larger one like Warhammer would allow. Don't get me wrong can be frustrating when it happens but it works in the playstyle and people ...
What sources outside Warhammer 40k inspired you when working on this edition? Whilst most of the inspiration comes from 35+ years of 40k rules and lore, we are always thinking about how to make the best experiences for our players. As the wider world of gaming becomes better understood and...
entirely preventable- ways to die in ‘Don’t Starve,’ but today we’re going to talk about the titular mode of death: starving. In order to prevent death by starvation, you’re going to want to forage and fight for the best foods, and in this guide we’ll tell you where to find...
These maps themselves have been designed significantly differently from what you may be used to from WARHAMMER II. As well as the capture points and buildable towers and barricades which we’ll get into below, we’ve upgraded our tools, AI, and design to make for much better maps. One sig...
“I can’t think of anything that excites a greater sense of childlike wonder than to be in a country where you are ignorant of almost everything. Suddenly you are five years old again. You can’t read anything, you have only the most rudimentary sense o
I tend to get the army lore done early, figure out what would make sense to include later. No point deciding this chapter doesn't have access to any ancient, valuable gear AFTER I've painted up some terminators for 'em, right?
The first step to unlocking the Quicksand Lair Spacerift is to reach its entry point. The marker is inthe southernmost section of the map, so if you haven’t been far from Mirroria, it’s quite the journey. Stop by the other Spacerifts and Terrain Markers on your way there, so you ...