If you’ve played a ton of vanilla Minecraft and are looking for something a little different, you could try creating a customized world. These are Minecraft maps that you create by altering the world generation settings, resulting in exciting and unique configurations that can lead to hours of...
How to Get StartedGenerating a New World With Multiverse-Core, generating an extra Minecraft world is as easy as entering a command into the console.These commands use the /mv create [WorldName] [Type] format. Examples include: /mv create WorldName normal –Generate a random overworld. /mv...
A compass in the top-left corner of the seed map helps players get a sense of direction in relation to the world spawn.This article will guide players on how to locate different Minecraft biomes in seed using chunkbase.Minecraft: Everything players need to know to locate biomes in Chunk...
Can you beat Minecraft without walking? So, how do you beat Minecraft without actually walking? ... Of course,you do need to actually move in Minecraft, so TheHeightAdvantage crafted a boat. The boat is on land, one block away, but mounting the boat moves him over to it. Why can'ti...
Have you ever wanted to make a mini-game in Minecraft? If so, then The Hunger Games is the perfect choice! This tutorial can be used for either the PC edition or XBOX 360 edition of Minecraft. Steps 1 Create a superflat world. This is good for space and to not have to dig down ...
An easy how-to guide on making adventure maps in Minecraft Players are have a variety of downloadable maps to play in. One of the most popular genres of Minecraft maps is the adventure map, in which players explore the world and its...
Create a new world on superflat with the same seed . Find a village and write down the coordinates. Go to those coordinates on your other world. 2 Build your house in or near the village. You will want a clear shot of it so you can shoot any zombies attacking. Make it however you ...