LaTeXinstallation you may need to execute each intermediate step yourself, or you might use a build tool such asmake,latexmkorarara, to automate this chain of processes.Overleaf uses latexmk, and this video shows what happens every time you click the “Recompile” button in your Overleaf ...
{0em}% Can be used to give a prefix to all sections, like 'Section ...'{}% Can be used to insert code before the heading[\titlerule]% Inserts a horizontal line after the heading\titleformat{\subsection}{\large\scshape\raggedright}{}{0em}{}\newcommand{\datedsection}[2]{%\section...
LaTeXinstallation you may need to execute each intermediate step yourself, or you might use a build tool such asmake,latexmkorarara, to automate this chain of processes.Overleaf uses latexmk, and this video shows what happens every time you click the “Recompile” button in your Overleaf ...
{}% Can be used to insert code before the heading[\titlerule]% Inserts a horizontal line after the heading\titleformat{\subsection}{\large\scshape\raggedright}{}{0em}{}\newcommand{\datedsection}[2]{%\section[#1]{#1\hfill#2}%}\newcommand{\datedsubsection}[2]{%\subsection[#1]{#1\h...
In the last post, we had 2 files created: cv.tex and my_cv.cls. The conten file, cv.tex, contained the following: \documentclass{my_cv} \begin{document} \section{Education} \datedsubsection{University of Nowhere}{2004-2008} \section{Work} \datedsubsection{ABC Limited}{2008-Now} \end{...
{0em}% Can be used to give a prefix to all sections, like 'Section ...'{}% Can be used to insert code before the heading[\titlerule]% Inserts a horizontal line after the heading\titleformat{\subsection}{\large\scshape\raggedright}{}{0em}{}\newcommand{\datedsection}[2]{%\se...
{0em}% Can be used to give a prefix to all sections, like 'Section ...'{}% Can be used to insert code before the heading[\titlerule]% Inserts a horizontal line after the heading\titleformat{\subsection}{\large\scshape\raggedright}{}{0em}{}\newcommand{\datedsection}[2]{%\section...
\titleformat{\subsection}{\large\scshape\raggedright}{}{0em}{} The sub-sections are now in the same style: You should try out some of the formatting options available to see what you like: \bfseries,\itshape: make the heading bold or italic; ...
We can customise the \subsection headers as well: \titleformat{\subsection} {\large\scshape\raggedright} {}{0em} {} The sub-sections are now in the same style: You should try out some of the formatting options available to see what you like: \bfseries, \itshape: make the heading ...
We can customise the \subsection headers as well: \titleformat{\subsection} {\large\scshape\raggedright} {}{0em} {} The sub-sections are now in the same style: You should try out some of the formatting options available to see what you like: \bfseries, \itshape: make the hea...