PHP provides a rich set of built-in functions for replacing, concatenating, comparing, interpolating, and splitting strings. You can also find the length of a string, convert the string to int, and convert the string to array. How to make PHP string lowercase? To convert the PHP string ...
Additionally, the one last thing we could do is to make our code reusable by wrapping it within a function: constcountOccurence =(string, word) =>{letstringLC = string.toLowerCase();letwordLC = word.toLowerCase();letcount = stringLC.split(wordLC).length -1;returncount }; ...
The “toLowerCase is not a function” error occurs, when we call a toLowerCase() method on a value which is not a string. To solve the error, convert the value to an string before calling the toLowerCase() method on it or make sure to use the toLowerCase() method on a valid ...
// To see which symbols are being used here, check: // naiveReverse('mañana mañana'); // → 'anãnam anañam' // Wait, so now the tilde is applied to the `a` instead of the `n`? WAT. A good string...
To convert all elements in an array to lowercase, you can use another JavaScript method calledString.toLowerCase()as shown below: constnames=['Ali','Atta','Alex','John'];>name.toLowerCase());console.log(lowercased);// ['ali', 'atta', 'alex', 'john...
If you want string 'true' to return boolean true and string 'false' to return boolean false, then the simplest solution is to use eval(). eval('true') returns true and eval('false') returns false. Keep in mind the performance and security implications when using eval() though.Share...
Read this JavaScript tutorial and learn information about the combinations of methods that make it possible to convert the string to title case easily.
To reverse the String in TypeScript - This tutorial demonstrates multiple ways to reverse a string in TypeScript. At first, reversing the string problem looks easy, but what if someone asks you to explain the different approaches to reversing a string in
Learn how to convert a string to a number using JavaScriptJavaScript provides various ways to convert a string value into a number.Best: use the Number objectThe best one in my opinion is to use the Number object, in a non-constructor context (without the new keyword):...
You can determine the browser in use just by accessing thenavigator.userAgent.However,userAgentwill not be able to generate the Browser Names directly, and you can use the below JavaScript code. functionwhichBrowser(){if(isFirefox()){return"Firefox";}elseif(isEdge()){return"Edge";}elseif(isI...