When we were growing up, my father used to make multiple batches of homemade popcorn in a giant cast-iron skillet on the stove on a regular basis. As each batch finished popping, it would be transferred into a giant metal dishpan, and he’d keep popping until the dishpan was full. ...
Try sprinkling with some grated Parmesan cheese, smoked paprika, nutritional yeast, cayenne powder, taco seasoning, or even curry powder to give a fun and interesting new flavor to traditional buttered popcorn. You can even make popcorn into delicious clusters or caramel corn. Have a favorite ...
Jump to recipeSavePrint Making popcorn on the stove is probably the most rewarding cooking project you’ll ever try: With a pot, a little oil and almost no effort, you can turn a scoop of kernels into a big batch of warm popcorn in less than 5 minutes. It’s a perfect treat for mo...
1. How to Make S’mores In the Microwave Sometimes you just can’t wait for that sweet taste of summer. When you want S’mores fast, look no further than your microwave. This simple recipe makes perfect microwave S’mores when you can’t get to a firepit. The marshmallow will really...
And now that you know how to make espresso at home, it is time to choose the best coffee maker for you. But when you are shopping for a stove top coffee maker, you may get overwhelmed trying to decide what is the best stovetop espresso maker and which one you should choose. There ...
up paint to a kitchen stovetop and make a chip less conspicuous, or paint a wood stove or Bar-B-que grill with a high temperature paint, the hard, thick, glossy, super-temperature-resistant, food-safe stuff you see on a kitchen stovetop isn't paint -- it's closer to colored glass....
How To Clean A Glass Stove Top I also created this video of me showing you how to clean a glass stove top. How to Prevent Stains on Your Glass Stovetop Preventing stains and burnt-on food can save you time and effort in the long run. Here are some tips to keep your glass stovetop ...
What do I need to make dollhouse accessories? Once you get started making dollhouse miniatures, you won’t stop! And you will never look at everyday items the same. A bottle cap would make such a cute table top! Corks can be side tables. Toothpicks make great towel racks. Here’s a...
Stove Top Pizza - Learn how to make delicious pizza on the stove top with our easy recipe. Enjoy homemade pizza anytime, anywhere!
Tried and tested method on How to Cook Rice on the Stove Top. Any size pot may be used. No measuring cup needed. Comes out perfect each time! The tried and tested method on How to Cook Rice on the Stove Top Rice was traditionally cooked in a clay pot on a stove before the invent...