How to Make a Steampunk Hat From Recycled Materials: I am steampunk mad at the moment and love creating steampunk decor and giving them a mixed media makeover. I recently made a steampunk lamp which turned out beautifully, but I did not have room for bo
How to Make a Steampunk Bolero Jacket: This instructable is how to make a quick and stylish Bolero Jacket for your SteamPunk outfit. If you like this instructable please rate it, and you can seem more of my work at my website
Bring in the gears. Gears and cogs are the height of Steampunk style, and they belong outside your clothing just as much as inside your pocket watch. Break up an old watch or clock to pull out the gears, and then string them together to make a pendant or hang them from earring hooks...
在线看How to make a Steampunk Airship DIY 3分钟 26秒。5 5月 2017的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 265 — 已浏览。 58 — 已评价。
Go simultaneously backward and forward in time with this Steampunk tutorial. The main focus, aside from the style of course, is fusing elements from different sources together to create a cohesive...
STEAMPUNK WEEK: How to Make a One-Hour Bustle SkirtRuth Suehle
Steam engines played a pivotal role in shaping the modern world. They were the first engine type to see widespread use. First invented by Thomas Newcomen in 1705, steam engines saw big improvements in 1769, courtesy of James Watt (who we remember each time we talk about "60-watt light bul...
Steam engines played a pivotal role in shaping the modern world. They were the first engine type to see widespread use. First invented by Thomas Newcomen in 1705, steam engines saw big improvements in 1769, courtesy of James Watt (who we remember each time we talk about "60-watt light bul...
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You need Dust Trap and Flypaper to make Spider. Screenshot by Dot Esports Ingredient One Ingredient Two Result Earth + Wind = Dust Fire + Water = Steam Dust + Earth = Planet Water + Water = Lake Earth + Water = Plant + Steam = Steampunk Lake + Water = Ocean Plant + Steam = Tea...