I mainly sharecold-process soap recipeshere on Lovely Greens, and we’ll get to that further below. The other ways to make soap can be much different. However, all will result in bars or liquid that you can use to clean your skin,dishes, or home. One method isn’t better than the ...
Use the “Navy Shower” techniquewhere you turn the water on only for rinsing and keep it off while off while washing. Here’s the basic process: turn on the water to get yourself completely wet. Then turn off the water while you soap up, shampoo, and scrub down. Turn the water on ...
Everything you need to know about how to clean an oven, including how often to clean your oven with non-toxic natural solutions, and self-cleaning cycle tips.
For Step 1, you want to make sure you have enough of the ingredients you need on hand and yourscale ready for weighing. To know how much of each ingredient and how many heads of cabbage to buy, you have to know the size of your crock. You’ll want to know how many liters (quart...
When it comes tocleaning your kitchen, there really is no better place to start than the sink. So grab your gloves and get ready to make it shine. How to clean a sink like a pro When it comes to cleaning a kitchen a sink, you'll need the rightcleaning suppliesalongside advice from ...
Well, the dishwasher shouldn’t be any different. Just as dust and debris can clog and hinder the performance of your vacuum, food scraps, soap scum, and stubborn grease can compromise your dishwasher. Even if you have installed a new unit recently, you should know how to clean a dishwashe...
To tackle this, mix a solution of hot water and a few drops of dish soap. Apply it to the walls with a sponge, wait a few minutes, then scrape the residue off gently with a putty knife. Wallpaper Tears Drywall Sometimes, wallpaper removal can cause tears in the drywall. If this ...
If you are a frugal person who hates to waste even the smallest sliver of soap, don’t despair. One solution is to save all of your leftover soap scraps and reprocess them into a new bar, also called hand milling or rebatching.
Make a rag rug out of your leftover fabric scraps or old tarnished clothes and rags! It's a great and fun way torecycle and repurpose. You'll fall in love with this old homesteading tradition. How To Make Old-fashioned Rag Rugs
A simple, tasty way to get in probiotics is to drink kombucha, a fermented carbonated beverage made from tea. Learn how to make kombucha with this basic recipe.