2. Find an app in themaps sectionof our website. In this example we will show you how to installSkyblock PE. Click the download button to download the map. 4. Most of the times you will be redirected to another website, such as Dropbox or MediaFire, where you can download the map...
How To Make A Horse Saddle | Saddle Crafting Recipe EDIT: This has now been changed. Instead of being able to craft a saddle, you’ll now need to find a saddle in a dungeon. That’s right, pigs and horses will share the same rare saddles. So getting a horse means scrabbling around ...
Play SkyBlock in Minecraft: Singleplayer or Multiplayer How to Create an Adventure Map in Minecraft How toMake a Personal Minecraft Server How toMake a Minecraft Server With Hamachi How to Change Your Minecraft Skin in Every Edition The Ultimate Guide to Making a Map in Minecraft How to Make...