Drawing a Sine Wave using Bezier Curves may not be very practical at a glance, and you’d need to edit the points to make it look more accurate. You can trace in PowerPoint using the tracing method that we explained below over the sin(x) plot created previously as an image. Then you ...
Many times,transitions and animations in PowerPoint presentationslides are used with Motion Paths to make the slides more visually appealing. To create a mind-warping effect, you can also use Motion Path animations with 3D presentation slides. You candownload free PowerPoint templates with 3D Animatio...
These MSCs make up the larger “convectively coupled equatorial waves” (CCEWs) with the dispersion properties of linear shallow-water equatorial modes (see Kiladis et al. [2009] and references therein). These MCSs and CCEWs in turn serve as the building blocks of the even larger-scale ...