When using Shrinky Dinks with an inkjet printer, it’s important that you make your photo or picture about 50% lighter. When the printable Shrinky Dinks bake the design will get much darker, so this is why you must make your scan much lighter. You can do this in Photoshop, Lightroom, ...
minus 1 inch. This missing inch is the gap that will be between the two ends of your cuff bracelet to make it easier to fit over your hand. The Shrinky Dinks will shrink
Top Tip:Don’t get alarmed as the plastic shrinks it will curl but then uncurl. 4. Finally, once the picture has shrunk and cooled, just stick a self-adhesive magnet on the back to create a magnetic pin. These magnetic pins are a cute addition to the magnetic pinboard and can make it...
Once the oven is preheated, put the tray with the Shrinky Dinks into the oven. You only need to bake them for 1 to 3 minutes. At first the Shrinky Dinks will curl up, but they will flatten back out. Once they flatten back out, bake for 30 more seconds. 3 Remove the tray from ...