… it would be better to give it an Indian name than to import a strange and inexpressive one; that the name of the tribe who had occupied it, would be more appropriate than any I had heard suggested.” I then proposed “that we give the valley the name of Yo-sem-i-ty, as it ...
Why not make your ideas count for something? Do you have difficulty in getting ideas in the first place? It is interesting to note that your education, race, age or experience have nothing to do with your success as an idea producer. You do not have to be a scientist, a technician, ...
Odds are, you aren’t the only one here for the holiday. Find the other Christmas Orphans in your extended circle of friends who also chose to stay in town and make plans with them. And hopefully find someone who can cook and will cook you a fancy, Vegan-Gluten-Soy-Free Christmas dinn...
Give your worries and concerns to him as you seek out help. The help will show up. Don't give up. When we were babies and had colic, cranky spells, sickness, Jesus helped our moms make it. No matter the hardship, he will fix ìt in HIS time...
Use ripe banana peels, to ensure the best results! And make sure they’re fresh; you don’t want to use an old peel that’s been lying on the counter for a few hours. (So yes, you may have to recruit some scheduled banana eaters for you How To Save the Banana Peels There’s ...
...took a lot longer to photograph than it did to make. It's pleasingly bright at around 25mA current - much brighter than your standard button-cell cheapie, but not bright enough to pose any real eye hazard. It has an egg-like shape that feels good in the right hand, with a nice...
I suspect POLICY VIII addresses secret names, such as Area 51, and therefore had to be redacted. To make up for it, however, there are two POLICY VII’s, one of which is titled… wait for it… NAME DUPLICATION?! Our focus, however, is on how to name a mountain. Our attention, th...