20 Make scrollable Text inside container in Flutter 0 Scrolling just a specific container 1 Flutter: Container + ListView scrollable 1 Flutter: How to scroll a container rather than its content? 1 Scrollable Screen in Flutter 0 Flutter Scrollable layout 0 Flutter: Scroll bar within a cont...
Scrollbar( controller: _scrollController, thumbVisibility:true, child:SingleChildScrollView( controller: _scrollController, child: NavigationRail(//some contents in here) ) ) Now when I click the button in tab1, it can successfully switch to tab2 but can not make the Scrollbar ...
This can be achieved by using theSfRangeSelectorwith an emptySizedBoxas its child and placing it on the x-axis using the Flutter Chartsannotationproperty. Let’s have the actual Chart’s data point range as the range of the SfRangeSelector and make it a scrollbar on the X-axis. To di...
Scroll down in the properties panel until you see our new property and enter "Penguin". Save the scene and export the whole level again. When Felgo loads the exported JSON of the penguin body, it sees the qmlType property and tries to create an entity from qml/entities/Penguin.qml for ...
i wanted help to go scroll horizontal with SliverGrid danagbemava-nc added the in triage label Jul 22, 2024 Member danagbemava-nc commented Jul 22, 2024 Hi, This issue doesn't seem to describe a bug or a feature request. Please see https://flutter.dev/community for resources and ...
Use case First, I have to thank you for your great work, Flutter gave us the developing speed we needed and even more. But there is still some accessibility focus edge cases that I can't find satisfying workarounds for, like these ones: ...
Add a Java library for accessing document scanners using Dynamsoft Service’s REST APIs. The library was built in aprevious Java document scanner blog. dependencies{implementation'com.github.tony-xlh:docscan4j:v2.0.0'} Add Permissions Add permissions to access the camera, the internet and the st...
Many applications require infinite lists—this was always challenging for Android and iOS in the past. However, with Flutter, you can simply alter the itemCount parameter and change the ListTile to display the row index like this:Here's the snippet of code:1 Widget _myListView(BuildContext ...
This tutorial shows you how to make such a swipeable table view cell without getting bogged down in nested scroll views. If you’re unsure what a swipeable table view cell means, then see this screenshot of Apple’s Mail.app: You’d think that after introducing something like this, Apple...
This tutorial shows you how to make such a swipeable table view cell without getting bogged down in nested scroll views. If you’re unsure what a swipeable table view cell means, then see this screenshot of Apple’s Mail.app: You’d think that after introducing something like ...