If you want to add links to your category RSS feeds using the default WordPress settings, then this method is for you. First, you will need to open up a page or post where you want to add the RSS feed links in the block editor. Once there, you can type the names of all the ca...
However, if you have a specific type of content or custom post type on your WordPress website, then you may want to create a custom RSS feed for it. For example, if you deliver exclusive content to your subscribers from specific authors, then you can create a custom RSS feed to keep y...
This is one of the simpler ways to display an RSS feed widget on your website. You can add this widget in the sidebar, footer, or wherever your theme provides widget areas. Displaying RSS Feed using Super RSS Reader widget Super RSS Readeris a free WordPress plugin that provides a widget...
How to Create a WordPress RSS Feed First, let’s start with the basics. Creating a WordPress RSS feed for a WordPress blog is pretty straightforward. To create a feed of your main content,simply add: /feed/ to your blog’s URL.As an example, here is the feed of thedlvr.it blog: B...
Learn how to use RSS feeds with IFTTT - Automate your RSS feeds today! In this ultimate guide to understanding, using, and automating RSS feeds we will cove...
feed, you can take advantage of the built-in WordPress function,wp_rss(), which provides WordPress with essential feed-fetching and feed-parsing functionality. All you need to do is place the following code into the desired display location within your theme template file (e.g.,sidebar.php)...
When visitors subscribe to your RSS feed, your posts will be the content dispatched to them. WordPress posts on your pages are a big part of your Content Marketing strategy and aid in defining a unique brand viewpoint. Providing quality and in-depth content consistently keeps your customers ...
Now its social media feeds, walls and pages. Google discontinued its feed reader Google Reader long back. So, if you landed here with intention to learn how to disable RSS feeds in your WordPress site, I will show you a way in this article. ...
With this extension installed on your site feed items can be imported into your site, with each feed item being used to create a new WordPress post on your site. This isgreat for auto-bloggingas you can simply enter an RSS feed from a site and WordPress will automatically grab that conten...
Yoast SEO is one of the most widely popular WordPress plugins around and it’s easy to understand why. Whether you’re running a personal blog or you’re a SEO professional managing a website for a client, Yoast is a powerful tool that can help you make your site as search engine-...