Ford also began selling "Lifeguard Design" safety features, equipping all models with dished steering wheel, breakaway rearview mirror, and crashproof door locks; padded dash and sunvisors cost $16 extra, factory-installed seatbelts $9. Buyers responded early in the model year, but the rush to ...
3This included four features that have since been made standard equipment (safety door latches, a deeply dished energy-absorbing steering wheel, a shatter-resistant rearview mirror, and stronger seat anchors) and three optional features (padded ins trument panel, padded sun visors, and seat belts...
Secure the other ends of the ribbon by rolling them around the front windows on either side of the car or tying them around the rearview mirrors.[5] This special technique makes the car look gift-wrapped and can definitely make your newlyweds look forward to riding off toward a bright ...
Ford also began selling "Lifeguard Design" safety features, equipping all models with dished steering wheel, breakaway rearview mirror, and crashproof door locks; padded dash and sunvisors cost $16 extra, factory-installed seatbelts $9. Buyers responded early in the model year, but the rush to ...