This aircraft is a simple 3-channel airplane, so you're only going to need the bare essentials of RC components. Locate 2x 5g servos and center them with a servo tester. Grab a receiver, motor, and ESC and make sure that the motor is spinning the right way when powered by a small...
If you are designing the fuselage of your RC plane, you have to remember about these forces. Also, if you buy fuselage you have to make sure your motor will make enough thrust to speed your airplane up enough to produce enough lift to fly. But don't worry about it now, we will focu...
Looking for advice on which RC Airplane to buy? Or maybe you've got one as a present and you're wondering how to assemble, or how to fly it?
That is the single biggest difference between learning how to fly an RC airplane, and learning how to fly an RC helicopter. When learning to fly an RC plane for example,you are committed to flight the first day out, the second your plane leaves the ground. This is where buddy box instru...
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HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN DECALSThe article offers step-by-step instructions for making decals for radio-controlled (RC) model aircraft, including digital image and graphic design sources, printer requirements and finishing spray specifications....
The next step is the marriage, or connecting the front and the back part of the fuselage. In order to make the connection stronger, I will add simple barbecue sticks in between them. I would suggest even using some bigger sticks because when the airplane will crash it might easily break ...
Of course, these days, many people use software to draw airplane plans. For this tutorial, though, I'm going to try and make it as simple as possible to help you come up with your own plans. For this reason, all you're going to need are a few physical items. ...
How to Build a cool cardboard RC airplane ByLinda Chang Feb 28, 2011 Model airplanes are cool and all, but making them out of your typical 8 1/2 X 11 printer paper isn't going to cut it for long, especially if any sort of rain or misplaced foot is involved. Make your a ... ...
How to Make the Kingcobra Paper Airplane: The Kingcobra is a fast, sleek, long range origami interceptor paper airplane with the unique capabilities of hopping and sitting. TAA USAF Designation: F63-1