Feeling thirsty? Here's how to get drinking water in Once Human, including setting up a passive Rainwater Collection System.
Dealing with human waste and no power isn’t something you may think about regularly. However, at Food Storage Moms, I want to teach you how to be prepared in all circumstances. Keep reading to discover how to deal with human waste when the power goes out. Can You Use the Toilet? The...
If you want drinkable water, it's best to have a metal or clay roof because it's cleaner than a shingled one. You can use shingled roofs, but they require a pre-filtering system before the water is deposited into the tank. If you're interested in harvesting rainwater, consult your l...
Imagine being trapped on an island without a body of water that isn’t saltwater. You’d rely on rainwater to stay hydrated and survive. Water Catchers are craftable items that help you gather rainwater and use it for hydration. They’re used so that you don’t have to travel to a rive...
Innovative solutions like this, supported by rainfall modelling, will help the built environment adapt to climate change as inconsistent rainfall makes it harder to design rainwater capture systems with a fixed capacity. There are alsonature-based solutionssuch as theEco-Machine™– a con...
Many houses are already outfitted with gutters that can easily be retrofitted to funnel rainwater into barrels. Here it can be stored until you need to water your plants during drier weather. You can also recycle gray water, which is the drainage from your sinks, showers, laundry, dishwasher...
To make mead at home, you need some basic equipment, a good supply of honey, and a lot of patience. Your mead will be drinkable after a couple of months, but if you leave it for a year, you will be rewarded with the nectar of the gods!
a watershed is more than just a piece of land that collects the rainwater and dumps it into the river. Anything that ends up in a watershed ends up in a body of water, including pollutants like discarded motor oil or paint, or sediments from trees cut down due to construction. These and...
Collect rainwater and use it for the plants. Try to avoid water fight games. Again, tell adults about leaky faucets. Learn by watching | Make learning fun for kids Other ways to help conserve water Use less paper or recycle it – Think “saving paper equals saving water”. ...
Look for a sandy wash or a depression where rainwater might collect. In the center of the pit, dig another small hole deep enough for the water container. Place the container inside, then run the tubing from the container to the outside of the pit. If there is tape available, tape the...