To take out the excess water, press the wrapped paneer under a heavy pan for about 1 hour. Notes Tips: If paneer will be used to make any dessert dish: The most important part of making paneer for dessert is how much water to take out from the paneer. To check if right amount of...
Looking for a quick dish to whip up for dinner tonight? Quesadillas are not only a satisfying meal, they’re also a great way to use up leftovers…and so easy to put together too! I’ve listed two different ways you can make them (stove top and oven) along with a few different fill...
To make a 5-minute slushie, you’ll need the following ingredients and equipment: Your choice of juice, soda, or flavored beverage (prepared Kool-aid or drink mixes work great) Two sturdy, resealable Ziplock-style plastic bags (one small and one large) Ice cubes – the bigger ice cubes ...
These are so quick and easy to prepare that we’ve even mixed them up ahead of time, poured them back into the orange juice jug, and brought them on a girls’ weekend trip. They taste just as good from a red solo cup as they do from a fancy glass! You don’t need a Caribbean ...
Make sure you already have a favorite date and a place where you want to camp. Once you’ve agreed on a date and place, it’s time to think about what you should pack. We should have mentioned this before, but all this time you had to make a list of what you need to take with...
Check out our delicious and easy fudge recipes to make chocolate, nutty, fruity, seasonal, boozy, and fun fudge using just 2 - 5 ingredients.
How To Make Quick and Easy Flaky Pastry. Simple to follow instructions, great for pies, strudels, turnovers and freezer friendly too!
HOW TO MAKE CORNMEAL WITH YOUR BLENDER Want to know how to make cornmeal in a high speed blender? A very good power blender that can handle dry goods is how to make cornmeal fast, inexpensive and healthy. The boxes you buy at the grocery store are costly and contain preservatives. Wi...
How to make Lye using Quick Lime (Calcium Hydroxide) Calcium hydrixide is a chemical compound known more commonly as slaked lime. It is formed when calcium oxide is mixed with water. Put 3 pounds of washing soda, 3 pounds of slaked lime, and 12 quarts of water into a large pot. Boil...
Ingredients needed to make homemade oat milk Old Fashioned Oats - the foundation of this milk alternative, providing protein and a creamy texture. Choose whole, firm oats and avoid quick oats as firmer oats produce better results. Water - The 5:1 water-to-oat ratio creates an ideal consisten...