The first thing that every first-time puppy owner will realize is that it is very difficult to sleep at night with these little guys. One of the most asked questions when it comes to puppies has to do with how to make a puppy go to sleep. If you are experiencing this for the first ...
With the exception of toy breeds, most puppies can last a reasonable six hours even on their first night home at 8 weeks old. Your opportunity to encourage this is in the five hours before bedtime. Let’s say you’d like to sleep from 11 pm to 5 am that first week. Set yourself up...
If they wake up during the night, don’t make a big fuss — simply acknowledge them and encourage them to go back to sleep. Young puppies sleep learn best when their guardians are consistent in the way they discipline and reward them, so keep up with your routine and don’t give in ...
Step 6: Soothe the puppy Make a new puppy feel more at home by placing a hot water bottle or heating pad under a blanket in their sleeping area to imitate their litter mates. Soon both the puppy -- and you! -- will sleep like a baby. FACT: Dalmatian puppies are born with a pure...
out why. Puppies are small and have been recently separated from their mother and siblings.Keeping the crate in your room near your bed can make them less anxious or fearful of the new place.What is even better is that you can calmly lull them to sleep if they wake up during the night...
Do not make a fuss of the crate. Let your puppy investigate it all by themselves as they go around eating the treats. They will eventually pop their head just inside to eat the treats there. When they do, pop a few more just inside for them to eat. After a few minutes, move away...
Puppies need to be potty trained. Learn how to use potty pads as a training tool to help prevent accidents and teach your puppy where to pee.
Wondering how to crate train a puppy or dog? In theory, it should be easy. Their love of small, dark spaces should make any dog love having a crate to call their own. Essentially, puppies come pre-programmed with a love of crates. But puppies also come with a pre-programmed need to...
This is a puppy’s life: eat, go potty, play, go potty, sleep, go potty … and repeat. So you’re pretty much running your little pup outside all the time to make sure she’s had a chance to relieve herself. My friend and I joke about the puppy weight loss program, because we...
Allow him to sleep with you from time to time An animal that has become attached to you wants to spend all day around you, so he will suffer if you try to isolate him in a different room at night. On the other hand, if you don’t want it to become a habit, you can choose to...