those with diabetes, and those who have some difficulty digesting food. Many people believe that prune juice tastes awful and don’t enjoy it at all. This can actually lead to malnutrition, vitamin deficiency, and digestive issues. In order to make prune juice taste better, there...
When pruning, the basic rule of thumb is thatless is more. In other words, don’t prune recklessly; think about what you’re pruningBEFOREyou cut. It’s easy enough to make another cut, but not so simple to reattach a branch! Here is more information about pruning considerations. Remove...
When & How to #Prune Salvia #Plants! #garden #gardening During a visit to the Tidewater area of Virginia, we noticed 4 huge hanging baskets at a restaurant near our Hampton Inn hotel. When we take our after-breakfast walk, we usually encounter lovely displays of flowers, evergreens, and ...
Add more fiber (such as whole-grain foods, fresh fruits, and vegetables) to your diet. Drink plenty of fluids daily (at least six to eight glasses of water and one to two glasses of fruit or prune juice). Drink warm liquids, especially in the morning. Exercise daily. Walking and swimmi...
Want to know how to make grass greener? It’s a simple process and here we take you through what to do step-by-step.
When you decide to prune, do not pinch away the growth tip too soon. Allow two sets of leaves to develop on a sucker or side shoot before pinching out the growth tip. Pinch above the two sets of leaves; these leaves will protect fruit and stems below from sun damage. Re-check the ...
Garden pruners (to cut the garden hose) Strong scissors to cut down the mat Heavy garden pots or bricks to use as weights to hold down the hose sections while the glue dries (Actually any heavy object will suffice. You can also used clamps) .75” x .94” corks (to seal the cut en...
Many gardeners choose to grow jasmine in containers so they can bring the plant indoors over winter. If bringing jasmine inside because of extreme cold, do so gradually, over about a week or so, to allow the plant time to adjust to less sun once indoors. A good way to make this transit...
You’ll need to determine whether your plant blooms on old wood, new wood, or both before proceeding to prune. Learn more here: How to Prune Hydrangeas. Soil: All like well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. Soil composition can affect the flower color of H. macrophylla and ...
How to prune and deadhead your geraniums Prune chrysanthemumsto make the plant branch and become short and sturdy instead of growing leggy and weak. Pruning mums will also make them bloom more profusely. To do this, remove about 1 inch of the branch tops early in the season. Then continue ...