Discord channels have many different permissions settings that the owner of the server can modify. The permissions can be set for everyone or for specific roles. Server owners can disable the send message permission for a specific channel to make it a read-only channel. In this article, we wi...
Post-join questions, for after members join your server, fit roles and channels to choose whenever. Once you finish setting up your questions and answers, you'll get the prompt to make a welcome sign, member to-dos, and resource pages. The page that will include these items will give new...
To make a channelread-only, you basically disable the permission for sending messages for all users on the channel. You can modify this permission on a role basis as well if you want. This is a really useful feature for channels where you make announcements and/or list down your server rul...
links, messages, photos, videos, Discord emojis, and other data. You can connect to channels to talk with others over chat by moving your cursor slightly to the left. Due to limitations on Discord emojis' size, some may find it difficult to make Discord emojis bigger. Now Discord...
Since Unwinnable is a pop culture criticism site, most of our Discord discussions happen in channels dedicated to mediums like TV and games. Think about the topics you want your community members to talk about, and make channels that match. ...
AFK channels on Discordonly work for voice channelswhere space is limited. You’ll need to make sure you create (or have) a spare voice channel you can use as an AFK channel on your Discord server before you proceed. If you don’t, you can make one using the steps below. ...
Open Discord and select the server that you wish to add channels to.Tap the server name on the upper left corner.Tap Create Channel.Set the channel name and hit Create Channel.The channel will appear a the top of the other channels, and you will have to move the channel following the ...
Forums are designed to make posts where people can discuss a specific topic in the post they’ve created. To create any of these, simply click on the+ (plus)icon beside any category and select any of the options. Note: You will get the option to make these channels after enabling the ...
Note:Only voice channels can be set as AFK channels on Discord. Note that text channelsCANNOTbe set as AFK channels on Discord. People in the AFK channel cannot stream videos, orshare screen in discord. Here is How to make an AFK channel in Discord ...
How to Enable or Disable NSFW Channels on Discord Discord provides the option to change the status of your Discord channel.The article above may contain affiliate links which help support Guiding Tech. The content remains unbiased and authentic and will never affect our editorial integrity.More...