Struggling with how to beat Plantera in Terraria? Following this guide can help you prepare for the terrifying Hardmode boss.
Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play with us on our free server. Although Minecraft is a powerful creative tool, it does have limitations. The scarcity of block types and their linear size tends to make the creation
Finding the materials required to make the compass isn’t too difficult. The redstone dust is acquired from smelting an iron ore in a furnace with a log of any kind. You’ll find redstone dust beneath the surface, as indicated by a light-gray block with red spots on it. Use your pi...
force, a weapon that can both crush and cut at the same time. And that’s where axes come in. Axes can be used as both weapons and tools, making them very versatile items. Terraria has plenty of these awesome tools to choose from, and here are some of the best. 5. Pickaxe Axe ...
This past weekend's workshop on replacing normal levers with buttons masquerading as levers went really well. Lots of players showed up and everyone had a great time. Most importantly, everyone learned how to make and use a T flip-flop! Why bother with a
Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play with us on our free server. There's no better way to get around, either for recreation or labor, than the minecart. Minecarts can make a laborious job simple and a boring house fu