Ableton is easily one of the most popular DAWs in the music production industry today. If you’re getting started with making music, you likely want to know how to learn Ableton. Fortunately, after years of development, theDAWhas become more and more intuitive and easy to use. But that do...
Other DAWs tend to slow me down. This one doesn’t. And that’s why I stuck with it. I haven’t used anything other than Waveform for over 10 years, and I have never had to look back in regret. I have friends who opted for Pro Tools, and they know how to make their way ...
To quantize an entire clip in Ableton, use command+A to select all notes before opening the quantize dialog with shift+command+U. To quantize a passage simply select the MIDI notes you want to adjust and hit command+shift+U to bring up the quantize dialog. Logic Pro MIDI clips in Logic ...
They jam-pack their software with so much that you’ll never run out of things to explore, which can be a good or bad thing, depending on your workflow. That being said, Ableton Live still has killer, high-quality features that make it a more than capable DAW. FL Studio also offers ...
Here’s a way to make hearing phase cancellation and frequency masking easier; put a plugin on your master channel with a keyboard shortcut to switch it from mono to stereo. When you listen in mono, your ears will be able to focus more on the frequencies without being distracted by the ...