This key pair consists of two distinct cryptographic keys: a public key and a private key. The public key is intended to be shared with others and is used to encrypt messages that are sent to you. The private key, on the other hand, must be kept confidential and is used to decrypt me...
Kleopatrais another KDE frontend for gpg that is integrated with the KDE PIM (although you need to install it separately for now). sudo apt-get install kleopatra Generating an OpenPGP Key To generate a key: Open aterminaland enter:
Generating your PGP pair key: Step 3:Now openKleopatratool (A GUI GPG Key Manager) to create a new asymmetric key pair (public & private). Click onFile->New Certificate. Step 4:In the key generation wizard, click on "Create a personal OpenPGP key pair" and in the next window enter ...
1. You will need a personal private key to certify the PGP certificate. If you have created one before (for exampleusing GPA), then you can import it (File -> Import Certificates…), or you can create a new key pair (File -> New Certificate…). Wizards will guide you through the r...
Since you want PGP keys, select “Create a personal OpenPGP key pair.” If you want to attach your key to your identity, real or fake, you can enter that information here. Otherwise, you can skip this step. If you want to protect your key with a passphrase (which is more secure),...
Since we are going to use GPG to encrypt Mutt configuration, the first step is to create a GPG key (public/private keypair) if you don't have one. If you do, skip this step. To create a new GPG key, type the following.