If you’re happier and more fulfilled in your work and your productivity increases, chances are that people will notice. Let your good work speak for you. Your passion and abilities can open doors of opportunity.(让你的个性在你的职业生涯中成为一个有益的驱动力的第一个关键是让真实的“你”...
It was efficient until it wasn't. Diversity applies to organizations too. Software can tell what has made people in an organization succeed in the past. And it's useful, sometimes, in screening employees. But, remember the environment is constantly changing and software, screening software, has...
E) First of all, know what you want. It's hard to make any decisions when you don't really know what you're looking for. So before you can determine whether you and a specific company would be compatible together, it's important to have a solid handle on what exactly you want from...
has taken a particular interest in how the affective presence of leaders in the workplace can influence their teams’ performance. He and his collaborators have found that leaders who make other people feel good by their very...
I feel you pulling away from me.pull away from:从……脱离。这里引申为疏远。Beth向Rob说出心理感受,因为她觉得Rob一直在疏远她。 37:52 Every day. You get up, you go to work, you come home, you eat dinner, you put on a smile for my benefit, and then you go to sleep.for one's ben...
Make chores fun. Try these ideas:Work with your family. Spend time together.Sing while you work. Or play music while working.Making chores a game. Time yourself. See how fastyou can work.There are good reasons to do chores. Or learn things.You help your family. Your family helps you ...
How to make it work for youCounselling, Consulting Coaching
We stick labels to objects, situations, people. However, things aren't such and such—they just are. Life is a constant process of judging things—we need to judge what's good and bad for us to make a proper decision In a world without consciousness things just happen. There's no...
How to Make it Work for You Staying up late comes naturally for some people and less so for others. But if you want to cultivate a night owl lifestyle, there are certain steps you can take to do it. Here are a few: Don’t sit or lie in bed.It may be tempting to read your bo...
May had been a dancer in her home country but found dance studios in NZ unwilling to include her because she was deaf. Many young people told us that while material environments structured to work well for the non-disabled presented barriers, ableist attitudes were the greatest constraint on pa...