But, if you’re with 3 friends who are constantly talking about wanting to go down a size, or how theyhatebeing size X, you’re going to start comparing your size with that, and debating if it’s good enough. However, when you’re with people who celebrate their wins, and brush asi...
For people like me, it's more commonly just a nuisance that might inspire an occasional eye roll. Still, my distaste for such an innocuous food feels vaguely shameful, and after much deliberation, I'm ready to switch sides. I'm ready to make myself like cucumbers. Getting there is ...
Make them stop spreading false information about the video series. Way less toxic fans. Don't make them all hate Pokémon and try to start wars with the Pokémon fandom. Get rid of all the Rule 34 pictures and bad fanfictions. Get rid of the pointless cr
Take time today to reach out and, in doing so, make your life more worthwhile. Helping one another is something that we, as people, need to understand the actual value of when we do it. When we support one another, we are doing God’s will in our lives through our service to one ...
7 Ways to Overcome Self-Loathing and Stop Hating Yourself How has it come about that we are so bewitched by our self-hatred, so impressed and credulous in the face of our self-criticism, as unimaginative as it usually is? … Self-criticism, when it isn’t useful in the way any self-...
Author recounts how she learned to stop hating white people.(Originated from Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph)Fallon, D'Arcy
"When you love someone full-heartedly, and you are thinking long term, then you consider their needs first, and you want to make sure that their needs are met," Ouimet says. Someone who doesn’t put their partner's needs and wants first—or people who get uncomfortable or upset when ...
I’ll sometimes use it in my OWN cooking, but when it comes to recipes, it’s easier to recommend kosher salt because people tend to have more success that way. Reply Beth says: 04.29.2015 at 5:01 am There’s always going to be one who asks the question, but: is it necessary...
For most people, part of the journey from part-time freelancer to full-time CEO is dealing with day jobs – the jobs that make it possible for you to work during your “off hours” to build the life you want. For most, the jobs that keep the lights on are the laaassst place they...
While I’m not here to excuse anything you’ve done (self-responsibility is crucial), Iamhere to be a voice of compassion. Hating yourself won’t make anything better. It’s time for some self-forgiveness. Table of contents What is Self-Forgiveness?