giveblitz puff pastry(demi-feuillete) a try. Rather than having a block of butter that you envelop in a square of dough, you make a kind of glorified pie crust.Note: Although the technique of "blitz" (lightning!) puff pastry is easier than the classic method, it isn't especially...
APuff Pastry Cheese Danishis a timeless breakfast pastry that is perfect at any time of the year or day. It's great right out of the oven or at room temp! TheseDanish pastriesare simple to make and can be adapted for your family’s taste. If you are looking for aneasy brunch idea,...
To make the pastry, rub the butter into the flour in a bowl, then add 200g of cooled mash and a tablespoon of the milk. Season with a pinch of salt. Work everything together into a dough, handling it as lightly as possible. If it’s too dry, add a touch more milk, but only ...
Follow our step by step guide and make your own puff pastry. Don't forget to freeze any leftovers to use again on a rainy day.
Puff pastry is an ingredient that most of us buy at the market, rather than make at home. Puff pastry is made by laminating layers of dough and butter to form a pastry that has hundreds of layers to it and bakes up to be crisp and flaky. The process of making the layers can be ti...
An egg yolk and a little bit of water is used to bring the dough together. It’s a very forgiving dough, and often doesn’t even need to be blind baked. Pâte sucrée is almost the reverse of a standard shortcrust pastry recipe. To make pâte sucrée, the butter and sugar are ...
To prove that you don’t need a ‘knack’ for baking—only a good dusting of knowledge—each week this month, we’re putting 5 of your most commonly asked baking questions to our very talented pastry chef Johanna. Some of my fondest memories in the kitchen revolve around dough or b...
Make a homemade puff pastry — a challenge in and of itself, as the layering of butter and flour for a really fluffy and flaky puff can be painstakingly difficult — and compare it with a pastry from a French bakery. And, to up the ante, I’m asking the most qualified food critics ...
To make this signature topping, all you need is flour, light brown sugar (light is preferred), and unsalted butter. • Pâte à Choux: Cream puffs are a type of pâte à choux, a dough used in a lot of French pastry applications made of flour, butter, milk, water, and eggs. ...
Chinese puff pastry is very similar to Western puff pastry as they are flaky and will form a flaky tart crust. However, the Chinese puff pastry’s oil (butter, lard, or shortening) is mixed with flour before being wrapped in the water dough. Therefore, the texture and taste are different...