Eggplant yield: plant 1 to 2 eggplants per household member. Starting eggplant indoors Eggplants are commonly set in the garden as transplants; start seed indoors 8 to 12 weeks before you plan to set plants out in the garden, or buy eggplant seedlings or starts—already 8 weeks old or mo...
Foriceberg lettuce, remove the core by hitting the stem end on the countertop; twist and lift out the core. (Do not use aknifeto cut out the core, which can cause the lettuce to brown). Hold the head, core side up under cold running water, pulling leaves apart slightly. Invert the ...
Still, in some areas, crops are harvested in an old-fashioned way: farmworkers burn the excess leaves and then cut the stems with a machete. This method is too labor-intensive and has negative environmental consequences due to the burning of plantations. Modern machines that cut stalks ...
and then to grocery stores and supermarkets. After all, you can’t just flag down the Safeway semi on the interstate and grab a bag of lettuce off the back.
Then the old fashioned method worked best. Urinate in a bucket and then pour it into a watering can. Start at one end of the property and work your way around and then start again. By the time two months had passed the little fellas and their families had moved out. She was the ...