Using an attractant is critical to the performance of your Mosquito Magnet®. Once mosquitoes sense the carbon dioxide from the Mosquito Magnet®, they need secondary mosquito attractants, Octenol or R-Octenol, to hone in on the trap.
Disposable fly traps are one of the best methods to trap horse flies. These traps contain an attractant that gets activated by sunlight and water. After getting activated the attractant lures the horse flies to enter the trap, once the flies enter the trap they get trapped. To use these tra...
Mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon dioxide emitted by humans in our breath and sweat, so several types of mosquito zappers try to take advantage of this. One such product emits a steady stream of carbon dioxide, Octenol attractant and moisture. Mosquitoes are attracted to this mixture, get...