Thought I'd share something that I did a while back which turned out to be a really good move, though it may not be for everyone. The rationale behind this exercise is to make commonly used commands more at the fingertips of the user, and thus... ...
Select this to preserve all image details. This may result in a larger file size. Lossy Select this to get a lower file size at the cost of loss of details in the image. Quality Use theQualityslider to decide the quality when usingLossycompression to specify trade-off between details and...
then we can choose the plot scale, it would adjust itself in the plotting margin or if we wish to customize it then we can do it as well from the below-given options where we want the drawing bigger than the actual size or, smaller than the actual size, Or we want in some different...
Click the Add Sheets button to display the Select Drawings dialog box, allowing you to choose the drawings you want to add to the list Select Drawings Dialog Box in AutoCAD Make sure to check the ‘Prefix sheet title with file name’ option, as it simplifies differentiating between sheets fro...
I am putting ico pictures or icon's into project which i would like to know the steps to do this as well as how do you make the ico/icons bigger. When i run the project the ico images are real small and i need them bigger !! I am using picture boxes to put the ico's in ...
InSheet1, change the price of any smartphone model. PressEnterand go toSheet2. You’ll find the updated price of the corresponding smartphone inSheet2. You must keep the order of the devices in both sheets the same as this function blindly copies the range without looking at whether other ...
Decluttering (removing graphics from the display so the file is smaller and only that which needs to be displayed actually is displayed) an AutoCAD file can take many forms. We will concentrate on two: 1) Turning AutoCAD layers off
If, however, the “Recognize SHX Text” option is not able to convert the text into Mtext then select smaller pieces of text like a few words and then try the command a few times. Text in vertical orientation is hard to convert and you may need to make the text horizontal before conver...
First, navigate to the Excel sheet where you want to embed the Word document. Go to theInserttab in the Excel Ribbon. In theTextgroup, click onObject. TheObjectwindow will appear. Select theCreate from Filetab. Click theBrowsebutton to locate the Word document you want to embed. Make sur...
I need help in that. IFRs (Petroleum) 22 Aug 11 15:51 the only way I know of is to OLE open the object, make it larger or smaller, copy the new cells, paste into your drawing and delete the older OLE object. Reply To This Thread Posting in the Eng-Tips forums is a member...