With over 3500 species known to exist, these annoying little pests are simply a fact of life which is why the mosquito-repellent industry is worth a whopping $200 million annually. Unfortunately the majority of sprays, fogs, and other products designed to ward off the inevitable swarms of tiny...
Summer is a great time of year – but, unfortunately, it's not just us humans that enjoy it. Mosquitos seem to make the most out of the season bybitingus, and as well as being annoying,mosquito-borne diseasescan be dangerou...
Pleasese inform the dorm reception immediately to avoid major damages.10. Avoid the use of open fire such as candles, incense etc which endanger dorm security. Please do not smoke in the dormitory and remember to plac...
Repellents do not actually repel mosquitoes. They create a vapor barrier atop skin and mask or scramble the signals of attraction that humans emit. They make it tougher for mosquitoes to locate their target. Because they act as vapor barriers, repellents are rarely effective when applied undernea...
Mosquito RepellentMosquito Repellent Mosquito repellents are substances that are designed to make surfaces unpleasant or unattractive to mosquitos. They typically contain an active ingredient that repels mosquitos as well as secondary ingredients, which aid in delivery and cosmetic appeal. They are availabl...
Mosquito Bite Home Remedies Many natural and home remedies are commonly recommended as ways to stop the sting and itch of a mosquito bite. To relieve symptoms, you may want to use: Baking soda. Mix a tablespoon of baking soda and a bit of water to make an itch-relieving paste. Gently ...
Use mosquito nets Mosquito nets can provide an additional layer ofprotection against mosquito bites. Make sure the net is properly secured around your bed and tucked in under the mattress. Use insect repellent Insect repellent can help keep mosquitoes away. Look for a repellent that contains DEET...
Mosquito Repellents Mosquito Anatomy Like all insects, adult mosquitoes have three basic body parts. A mosquito's main body parts. HowStuffWorks Head: This is where all the sensors are, along with the biting apparatus. The head has two compound eyes, two antennae to sense chemicals, and...
Summer is a great time of year – but, unfortunately, it's not just us humans that enjoy it. Mosquitos seem to make the most out of the season bybitingus, and as well as being annoying,mosquito-borne diseasescan be dangerous. What can we do to avoid getting bitten?
Green Living How to Make Your Home Energy Efficient Home Improvement How to Keep Roaches Away and Prevent Infestations Home Improvement Do bug zappers really help fight mosquitoes? Home Improvement How to Get Rid of Ladybugs In Your House Green Living 7 Plants That Repel Flies Naturally! Home...