Voice isolation can be applied to mono and stereo tracks, but it is incompatible with tracks exceeding stereo. This feature is particularly handy forremoving background noiseduring interviews, such as eliminating the hum of air conditioners, the whirr of fans, or the din of traffic. Its applicat...
Audio_A Right I thought I would sync these manually with the videos we have. Now how do I deal with having all these channels? A few questions. - Should I merge the 2 mono into a stereo Wav file outside Resolve? Would that make it easier? Feels like it would be easier to just ha...
You might have seen quite a few people using those little Zoom devices. I love these recorders. They are reasonably cheap and can record audio in mono, stereo and other configurations, as well as video. They are reliable, well built, and sound good. TheZoom Q4Nis one of the best cameras...
When checked, Premiere Pro will render new audio media rather than link to the existing audio. The AAF and resulting audio media will be in mono with any stereo clips put on mono tracks labelled Left and Right. If this option is left unchecked, Premiere Pro will not render out new audi...
Pablo Ballester, Zita Films I use Mistika VR to create all of my mono and stereo 360 projects. It is the best professional optical flow stitching application by far with the most complete set of features to tackle impossible stitching challenges. Fully in...
In your case you could set them as several mono or stereo tracks, lav 1, lav 2, boom, camera, etc. and the clips will show up as multiple separate tracks on the timeline. From there you can use solo to see which one you want to use and remove/disable the others. It's pretty qu...