When to Sell/How to Make Money In Listed OptionsDier, Raymond
作者认为把钱交给一些不靠谱的机构是不对的,倒不如看一些投资书籍,然后加入一个兴趣小组讨论来的舒服。 构建自己的投资组合和原则。 追涨杀跌,在上涨时买入,不过多的关注市场新闻资讯,止损。降低对公司市盈率红利和账面价值的关注。然后关注cansilm法则中的内容。 作者认为线图很重要。 二、 投资一开始并不需要太多...
出版社:Mei Shang Mai GE Luo XI Er 副标题:歐尼爾投資致富經典 原作名:How to Make Money in Stocks, 4e A Winning System in Good Times or Bad 译者:陳儀 出版年:2009-10 页数:528 定价:USD 39.70 装帧:Paperback ISBN:9789861576534 豆瓣评分 ...
Trading options can be one of the most lucrative ways to make money in the stock market.But many people miss out on these profits because they believe options are too complex, risky, or that you need to be a professional to access them....
这些年,我在股市投资的过程中一边实践,一边学习钻研,不断总结,不断提升自己分析问题和解决问题的能力。我也希望更多有志、并想长期在股票投资方面有所作为的朋友,有时间就翻翻、读读这部好书,就像这本书的名字一样,你一定会从中悟出How to Make Money in Stocks(如何在股市里赚钱)的真谛,从此笑傲股市。
周二读书(7)笑傲股市(How to make money in stocks) 444 2017-04 3 周二读书(6)彼得林奇的成功投资(One Up on Wall Street) 390 2017-04 4 周二读书(5)投资者的未来(The Future for investors) 385 2017-04 5 周二读书(4)《股市长线法宝》(Stocks for the Long Run) ...
How to Make Money in Foreign Exchange and Foreign Bonds 《How to Make Money in Foreign Exchange and Foreign Bonds》是一本图书,作者是Greenwood, William J.
How to Make Money in Stocks 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 This is a how-to book on making money in the stock market, whether the market is going up or falling or holding steady. What makes the book different is the author's own fantastic success as an investor. William O'Neil ...
Anyone can learn to invest wisely with this bestselling investment system! Through every type of market, William J. O’Neil’s national bestseller, How to Make Money in Stocks , has shown over 2 million investors the secrets to building wealth. O’Neil’s powerful CAN SLIM® Investing Syst...
This contrasts to a put option in the most that a stock price can go down is to $0. So the most that a put option can ever be in the money is the value of the strike price. What happens to the call options if YHOO doesn't go up to $50 and only goes to $45?