Discover 15 diverse ways to turn your art into income and embark on a financially rewarding artistic career. Learn how to make money as an artist now.
Selling locally allows you to leverage your knowledge of the area and build a reputation as the go-to photographer for regional landscape imagery. Prices can vary, but local businesses often pay $100-$500 per image, with potential for larger projects running into thousands of dollars. 5. Creat...
However, many photographers find it uncomfortable to talk money with their clients. Photography is expensive and a lot of people don’t understand why. You might feel like you have to go above and beyond to justify your prices. Thankfully, while every photographer is different, there are typic...
Turning freelance photography into a paid profession is a dream for many people. While difficult, it’s definitely possible. Here’s how to make money as a successful photographer. I’ve been working as a professional freelance photographer for the past 10-years or so. Getting paid to travel ...
Step 2 - How are you going to make money? There are many ways to make money as a photographer. We can summarize these unique money-making methods into three main categories: taking pictures, teaching photography, and selling photos.
If you want to knowhow to make money online for beginners, in this post I’m going to walk you through 60+ different potential money making routes. I’ve kept each idea as a short overview just to whet your appetite, but many of the suggestions have much more detailed walk-throughs yo...
You thought to yourself, “I’m never going to make money in photography.” Here’s why you thought wrong, my friend. Making money in photography is something every single new photographer lies in bed thinking about. It baffles us, limits us and keeps us from breaking out of a fear-lade...
How To Make Money as a Travel Photographer Please give us a little background on yourself, how you started with photography, and how it’s going for you right now. I’m a NYC-based photographer working part-time from home and making over $100,000 a year. I’ve been making money from...
Just about every photographer looking for extra money has considered stock photography, but can you actually make money with it? Find out here! If you’re a photographer looking to make a bit more money, you’ve probably been tempted, at least at some point, to go into stock photography....
This guide takes you on the journey of how to start a travel blog. We dive into it all, from choosing a travel niche and template to making money travel blogging.