How does the Dryer rack method work for obtaining resin? By using the Dryer crafting station to turn wood into dry wood, you can obtain resin using the Dryer rack method. You can make dry wood by following a precise formula that calls for wood, and you can also gather resin in the pro...
Starting off with the best method, using dedicated hardware to host a Conan Exiles server allows you to have complete control over almost everything. For example, you can add mods or tweak settings to personalize your in-game experience. This also protects you from any malicious attacks online...
Set up a Mumble server – a how to for mumble server hosting Whether it’s a multiplayer game or a podcast project, the Mumble voice chat software is becoming increasingly popular. The open-source solution has an appealingly simple structure without scrimping on functions. Another advantage is ...
All Conan Exiles articles Core Keeper How to Customize and Reset Your Core Keeper World How to Install Mods to Your Core Keeper Server How to Change Seasons on Your Core Keeper Server How to Customize your GameID for Your Core Keeper Server How to Join Your Core Keeper Server How...
Switch to the Public DNS Reset Network settings 1. Update network driver Time needed:4 minutes If your network adapters are outdated, they might not work well for connecting to the network. To fix this, make sure to update your drivers regularly. Here’s how you can update your network dri...
From here locate the “Saved” folder and go to it. In this folder you’ll find the database file. The database file is called “game.db”. It is basically like a save file, containing information about your game, the things you’ve built, your character, etc. Make a copy and stor...
Conan Exiles is a greatgame, perfect for the survivor in you. Thisgamewill challenge you to survive in extreme environments, where everything and everyone is out to get you.Conan Exileswouldn’t be a complete surviving game if it didn’t put your problem solving skills to the test as well...
Install theVisual C++ Redistributablefor Visual Studio 2015. Finally, installConan Exiles. Conan Exiles C++ errors are most likely due to out-of-date Windows versions. Make sure that your computer is running the latest Windows version. Read more about this topic ...
[Top 5] Kenshi Best UI Mods That Are Excellent This one is nothing too special, just a few UI’s that will make your gaming experience in Kenshi a little bit fancier. Maybe you don’t like the current colors that your UI has and you have this enormous need to change them or otherwis...
The estimated time to complete all 25 Conan Exiles achievements is 1-2 hours. This estimate is based on the median completion time from 1195 TrueAchievements members that have completed the game. These estimates are only for the base game - please see individual DLC packs for their estimatesSit...