Magic circle crochet patterns can be used for a variety of patterns including crochet hats, scarves, bags, and more. When crocheting in the round, there are several ways to start: you may chain 4, slip stitch to join and form a ring, you can chain 3 and make double crochet stitches ...
How to make a crochet heart banner To make a garland, start by making 7 or more crochet hearts. Then, cut a long piece of extra yarn, and pull it from the back to the front through the left top side of one heart. Next, pull it from the front to the back on the right top side...
The hook end is used to pull the working yarn through loops to make stitches, and will be facing towards you rather than up or down. 4. How to tie a slip knot for crochet Tying a slip knot is the very first step in any crochet project. It creates the essential adjustable loop, ...
Magic ring / Magic circle Single crochet Half double crochet and where to place the stitch Double crochet Treble crochet How to make a slip knot How to chain How to make a magic ring /magic circle How to make a single crochet How to make a half double crochet ...
This is a simple tutorial on how to make a magic ring or a magic circle, how to secure the loop and how to work a few simple stitches into the magic ring. This technique is super easy and great for beginners too. Magic ring comes in handy when you work in rounds, especial when you...
really absorbs. The best choice ofcrochet round rugto feature in your home will bring colors, elegance, and coziness to a targeted sitting space. Place it near to your chairs or couch for an instant interior refresh. Add the non-skid backing to make this rug totally non-slippery.imagine...
Hat Length: Using a tape measure or a length of yarn, hold measure the distance from the top and center of your head down to the side, right to the base of the ear. How to Crochet a Top-Down Hat: This first crochet hat technique uses a magic circle to start and then works down...
2. Shifted increases to make a perfect circle At first, the difference is not that easy to see. But when you look closer, you can see that in the second sphere,the increases show by forming an hexagonal shape: In order to avoid that, you have to shift the increases(and decreases) on...
How to Make a Solid Two Color Spiral Crochet Circle: Crochet spirals are a lot of fun to make. Whether you are making Crochet Potholders or Large Crochet Rugs and Pillows, you will totally enjoy making those patterns with crochet spirals. You can make cr
Sometimes, when you need an oval rather than a circle, some patterns start by crocheting around a chain rather than by a magic circle.This is the case forTinycorn patternand I know it may have cause some issues. That’s why this new video will show you how to crochet around a chain ...