解决方案: 在AutoCAD 中有两个选项可用于创建自定义线型: 手动创建自己的线型 .lin 文件,然后将其加载到 AutoCAD 的线型管理器中(请参见视频 创建线型 AutoCAD |提示)。 使用Express Tools 创建线型(请参见教程:创建自定义简单线型)。 注意: Express Tools 在 AutoCAD LT 中不受支持...
I have created a custom linetype on autocad 2015 to resemble insulation on an architectural drawing. when my college wishes to view the file on their computer the linetype does not show in the correct format. if you know the solution please may you explain in very simple terms...
This article describes how to work with the MSLTSCALE and PSLTSCALE system variables. This can be the result of the MSLTSCALE and/or PSLTSCALE system variables not being set properly. Starting with AutoCAD 2008, linetype scaling in model space is control
Select objects or [SEttings]:SE The AutoCAD Select Similar Settings helps us to choose from Color, Layer, Linetype, Linetype scale, Plot style, Object style and Name Using the SELECTSIMILARMODE system variable The SELECTSIMILARMODE system variable lets you preselect which settings AutoCAD uses when...
A block is a combination of AutoCAD object types that make up a real-world object. Learn how to create a block in AutoCAD and other helpful tips.
How do I make a "double line" linetype? I want to make a custom linetype that will draw a dual line in parallel that I could input a certain distance apart. Is this possible? If so, could someone assist me? Report 0 Likes 10...
When running the PEDIT command (Polyline Edit), and you select a line or an arc, AutoCAD will prompt you to turn the object into a polyline. In most cases you want to turn the object into a polyline anyway, and the prompt is an “extra step.” Setting the system variable PEDITACCEPT...
First, I’m going to create a simple one. I draw one line and one single line text as shown below. I’m going to convert those objects to a custom line type. Access from ribbon or AutoCAD Menu:Express>Tools>Make Linetype. Or if you are a command-line fan, you can type MKLTYPE....
will tell you how. You type a name (Mystandard, for example) into the standard drop-down menu. This copies the active standard into a new standard. This also removes all restrictions enforced by the included standards. Your custom standards are wide open to any changes you wish to make. ...
I belive that once the lines from the unconsumed sketch are in the idw environment that you should be able to individualy select those lines and change thier layer / linetype properties. Upvote 0 Downvote Not open for further replies. Similar threads Locked Question missing object lines co...