Be sure to specify whether to use lowercase or uppercase in your hashtags, as well as which letters to capitalize. While this doesn’t make that big of a difference technically, it could improve your hashtag readability and make it more visually appealing. For example, #SheHulk is far easi...
Later on, when we talk about creating good content and monetizing your blog, we will talk aboutsolving your reader’s problems.It’s the single best way to connect with people, make a difference, and sell products. If you don’t fully understand your readers, you will not be able to co...
which I do a full system scan every week. My password was 15 characters long, with a mix of numbers and upper and lowercase letters. When I am not at home, I use a VPN service while on the internet. I have changed my bank passwords to 22 characters ...
Even though this checklist might seem like a lot, it’ll get faster once you’re used to the process (and you might bookmark this page so you can refer back to it). Plus, going through these step will make your images look better, help your website load faster, andultimately benefit...
Finally, brand fonts must be legible.It should be easy to read and understand any text styled in your brand fonts…uppercase or lowercase, large or small, numbers or letters. The brand font that you use for headers doesn’t have to be quite as legible as the font you use for body cop...
Make sure the correct domain name is in the form. you don’t need a root directory, don’t add anything here. Choose a username and password that is difficult to guess. Do not use Adminor any variations of that as your username. Use numbers, symbols and upper and lowercase letters to...
Make it short and use your keyword ( Use lowercase, even for acronyms (use /what-is-yolo and not /what-is-YOLO) Use dashes instead of underscores (use /simple-recipes and not /simple_recipes) Don’t use whitespaces (use /seo-guide and not /seo%20%guide) ...
Letter widths: In addition to letter heights, you can also drag out guidelines from the ruler on the left side to mark the width of your letters. Keep in mind that lowercase letters may be thinner than capital letters, and some letters (such as an "O") may be wider than other letters...
(Image: You didn’t say which bank you use, but I assure younone of them are perfect. While some are better than others, it’s definitely a spectrum. A breach is one example of what can go wrong. Someone calling in and pretending to be you could have fooled them; this...