HowtomakeaLessonPlanHow to make a Lesson Plan 1.Before teaching Context Learning Objectives 剖析教材,选材, 为何拟订目标:实考证明,带有任务观的学生比不知任务目标的学生有更大的投入和更大的主动性为何要把目标告诉学生: 权益的需要,成就的需要,亲和的需要目标的作用: 1、有助于集中想法力(告诉学生要把...
So the Biden administration was eager to end oil sanctions, plead with Iran to reenter the Iran Deal, remove the Houthis from terrorist designations, route billions of dollars to Tehran for hostages, junk the Abrams accords, and restore millions of dollars in please-be-nice bribe money to th...