Lesson plan sample Objectives know important guidelines for lesson planning understand how lessons are planned step by step follow the format to plan a lesson appreciate and evaluate a lesson plan Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to: PART/01 Is it necessary to make lesson ...
How to plan a lesson HOWTOPLANALESSON Let’sPlanaLesson!Takealookatthefollowingtextbookexcerpt.Discusswithyourpartnerswhatthemainlanguagepartsare.Objective(s)Basedonthispicture,createSAMobjectives.Consideralsothetargetlanguage.youwilluse.Discusswithyourgroup.•recalltenbasicvocabularywordsrelatedtofood •ask...
Open your PPT presentation and add a new slide. Here you’ll create the mind map. Click on New slide and choose a design. In the toolbar, click on Insert. In the Text section, click on Text Box. Click and drag to add the box. You want to establish a clear hierarchy, so make su...
Now imagine how much easier it will be in the review process if you need to direct your developer to make an edit on a specific slide, or a reviewer to re-check an edit. Depending on the structure of your course, you can come up with your own naming convention that best suits your ...
Step 3. Make a course outline After you’ve gathered all the necessary information for your online course, it’s time to plot it, or in other words, create a general plan of the course which structures the information in a didactic order. Divide your course into its respective topics (...
Thus, the past tense forms of the verbs that students have learnt will be reviewed, which lays the foundation of this lesson. Then girls and boys will have a competition to guess what I did last weekend. They can ask questions like “Did you…?” or “Were there…?” It will make ...
Makeachant!Isaybybike,yousayrideabike.Isaybycar,yousaydriveacar.Isaybyplane,yousay___.Isaybytrain,yousay___... Aplaneisfast.Abusisslow.letstakeaplane.ThatishowIwanttogo!Aplaneisnotcheap.Atrainisjustright.Wecantakeaplane.OnourtriptoBeijing!letssing! takeabus是一个动词短语,意为“乘公共汽车...
2.Makeatelephonecallwithyourfriends.跟你的朋友用英语打一个电话。TeleA:Hello,thisis…speaking.MayIspeakto…?B:Hello,thisis...A:Howareyou?B:I’mfine,thankyou.A:Let’s…tomorrow.B:OK./Goodidea./Great!/…A:Seeyoutomorrow.B:Seeyou./Bye.Makeatelephonecall TickingTime我会用英语打电话。自我...
In the coming learning, students in UOI classroom P1 will continue to explore the five senses and consider how to protect our bodies and what actions can make our bodies work better. We look forward to sharing with you! Part.2 P2 Dance Class ...
外研版英语八年级上册Module 1 How to learn English 仿真模拟测试题课件(共93张PPT).pptx,Module 1 仿真模拟测试题 (时间:90分钟 满分:120分) 一、听力理解(本大题分为A 、B 、C 、D四部分,共30小 题,每小题1分,共30分) A. 听单句话(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分)