liquid soap is generally made with a hot process. When you mix the lye and oils, you end up with a soap paste that will later be dissolved in water to make a liquid soap.
I use this liquid soap as shampoo, body wash, dish soap, and hand soap.Next, I’ll be adding essential oils to make a dog shampoo. They have slightly more acidic skin, so I’ll be adding a bit of lemon juice to the shampoo just before I use it. More Soap Recipes and Soap Makin...
While scrolling through Instragram recently, I saw a pic of homemade laundry soap made from horse chestnuts at@less_is_more_pdx. I was amazed! I immediately messaged the woman behind the IG account—Angela Zahas—and asked her if she would like to write a guest blog post about her homem...
I discovered that you can’t actually make real liquid soap from a solid soap bar. What I ended up with was aslimy green failure. And the reason is that liquid and solid soaps have different chemistries. The lye used to make solid soap is sodium hydroxide; whereas, the lye used to ...
I’m going to describe how to use a natural laundry bar soap to do laundry, and, how to make your own laundry detergent with 3 natural ingredients. You can make your own natural, non-toxic, homemade laundry soap and save money!
So I have not done it yet, but I plan to try to make a soap mixture of some sort using ashes from our woodstove this winter, lard that I rendered last winter and water - and see what happens. I will definitely do a post when I do that. What I love about that idea is that it...
Learn how to make soap at home or on the homestead. Easy step-by-step instructions for making homemade soap with with lye with instructional videos. There are also soap recipes for clear soap, hard soap, saddle soap and laundry soap, among others. ...
Soap making is a fun craft that’s easy to master, provided you have good attention to detail and know-how to carefully follow directions. Once you learn how to make soap, you can begin experimenting with your own homemade recipes, and truly make it your own!
Recipe: How to make your own laundry detergent The recipe is so easy. You can have laundry soap ready to go in 5 minutes or less. Here are the steps: Step 1:Combine all of the following: Two parts washing soda (Let’s start with two cups of washing soda) ...
making liquid soap based on Catherine Failor’s book on the subject of clear liquid soap. I wrote this post five years ago, and have gained a lot of experience in the meantime. If you read this tutorial and want to tear your hair out, see how I make liquid soap now, the easy way...