and how very proud and i acute am a bett and i also said and i am agree to and i am filled with and i appreciate that and i believe in you and i came to hit the and i can make it see and i can not reverse and i cant get off th and i cant remember w and i cannot liv...
I have a two part question regarding the use of LaTeX in Rmarkdown: 1) When working in Rmarkdown (with the intent to render to PDF), is there a rule for when we should just use the double dollar signs ($$) to write something in LaTeX or when we should use the LaTeX syntax to...
If your child has allergies, here are a few ways to help them breathe better in their bedroom. Sponsored post.
\thelstlistingcomes too late. You would need to place it before the listsings. However there it would mess up the captions and other things like cross references. Instead I suggest to modify the format of the entries in the list of listings: \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}\documentclass{report}\R...
We'll continue working on the same project as last time and the first thing we will do is make the document two-sided so that we save paper by printing on both sides. To do this we add the keyword twoside into the document class command:...
make it run - include the minimal code required to reproduce your error on the data provided. People should be able to copy and paste your code chunk and get the same error. How do I format my text so it has nice code chunks? minimal - strip away everything that is not directly r...
1.645)' title='f(\hat{\beta} |\beta,\, t>1.645)' class='latex' /> to ; as we have already seen, the first distribution is going to exaggerate the size of effects whereas the second will reflect them accurately, and thus subsequent publications will indicate a weakened effect. ...
LaTeX, plain TeX or any other macro package is, ultimately, constructed from primitive commands—although you may need to drill-down quite a long way, through layers of additional macros, before you reach the “bedrock layer” of TeX primitives. The set of 9 TeX engines analyzed to produce ...
IntroductiontoLatex Introduction •TeXisessentiallyaMarkupLanguage(likeHTML,XMLandRTF)•TeXwrittenbyDonaldKnuthin70´s –Arevolutionintypesetting •LatexisanextensionofTeX –MacropackagestomakeTeXeasiertouse presentaionisbasedonTroyD.MilnerandSimonCuceslides)WhyUseLaTeX?•Highquality J[x(),u(...
it was a way for her to make a career off her genuine demeanor. “Ireallydon’t want to talk to you; Ireallyjust want your money,” she deadpans. “That’s me, wholeheartedly.” Now she films around 15 short clips every Sunday, improvising on topics like small-penis humi...