I want to make query in Laravel Eloquent like here its. In have two Models File and Tags. File has an relationship to Tags - has Many classFileextendsModel...publicfunctiontags(){return$this->hasMany('App\Models\Tags'); } ... } Every File has many Tags and in need the Fil...
I'm experimenting with Laravel Vite but can't seem to figure out how to have the build command move static assets. Instead, it embeds the images "in" the css file trough base64. So far I've figured out that you need to reference your images relative to the source .css / ....
'saas.test', // Add the ones that you use. I use this one with Laravel Valet. ], #Tenant app Now, the fun part. This part is almost too simple. To make some code tenant-aware, all you need to do is: move the migrations to thetenant/directory ...
Important thing about public folder - make sure that your Web-server configuration points to public folder correctly, and your full repository is cloned in one folder above, not into public. Here's an example from Nginx config: server { ... server_name deploymentdemo.laraveldaily.com; root ...
The Facade Class, which tells Laravel which registered (underlying) class it pertains to A Service Provider, which registers the underlying class in the App container The Use Case Let's say we have a class which we want to generate a Facade for. This class might be Fideloper\Example\Underlyi...
Create a virtual host for your Laravel project by setting up a web server configuration fileusing thenanotext editor. For Apache, run the following command: sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/laravel.conf Within the file, write the following configuration. Make sure to replace the directory...
In this tutorial, I'll take you through an example on how to create a Laravel package in just 7 steps. So, let's go ahead and dive into it. 1. Create our folder for our new package. Create a fresh Laravel project; laravel new core ...
Dockeris a frequent choice for Laravel application deployment. Creating a multi-container Docker setup for a Laravel app simplifies development, testing, and the transition toproduction. This article will show you how to set up a Laravel application to work in Docker. ...
Follow this fast approach to make your Laravel app a PWA. Within minutes after finishing the final procedure, you will be able to launch your progressive web app. Step 1: Deploy Server You must first launch theLaravel development servicesto get started. Please make sure that neither NPM nor ...
The first thing we need to do is create a Laravel project. We will use the Laravel installer to make this possible. Open your terminal, and run this command: $ laravel new sampleLaravelApp This will create a Laravel application namedsampleLaravelApp. Next, we will install a Composer package...