Soak the stain with the peroxide, use your fingernail or the blade of a butter knife to help loosen and scrape away the blood, then rinse it away with more hydrogen peroxide. Then launder as normal. In most cases, you'll have better luck removing stains — especially bl...
How to make potato stamps (绘画颜料) and some paper (纸) We have a potato, a knife (刀), a pen, a small bowl, some paint. First, cut the potato in half (切成两半). Please be careful (当心). Then draw a shape on one half of the potato. We can draw a circle, a square, ...
You will need to cut a piece of parchment paper or wax paper the size of your pan. You will use the paper the flatten and even your rice krispie treats in the pan. The paper allows you to get the treats smooth without sticking. Using your hand to press them down, make sure the ric...
How to Make a Knife: I love to design and make things – it’s my passion! One day at work by boss showed me a picture of a kitchen knife he made completely from scratch and after that, I knew I had to make one. He said it was “one of the most rewarding
Do you know how to make a pumpkin lantern? Let me tell you briefly. First, select a big, round and nice pump- kin, wash it up and dry it up. Second, put it on a piece of paper. Dig a hole from the top of the pumpkin with a knife. Put a hand into it and clean up the ...
ORIGAMI - How to make a Paper SwordKnife 2022-01-02 11:47:38430 科普百科 儿童内容分类 切换-音频 00:00:00/ 00:00:00 高清 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑
Do you know how to make a pumpkin lantern? Let me tell you briefly. First, select a big, round and nice pump- kin, wash it up and dry it up. Second, put it on a piece of paper. Dig a hole from the top of the pumpkin with a knife. Put a hand into it and clean up the ...
Step 8: With the edge of a butter knife or spoon, draw a mouth pattern by removing the orange frosting for mouth. Step 9: Frost the Eyes, Nose and Mouth with Black Frosting. Step 10: Carefully sprinkle the Eyes, Nose and Mouth with Black Sanding Sugar. ** ...
Serrated knife Scissors Craft glue How to Make a Crazy Clown Hat Step 1: Crumple and open up the paper bag several times to soften it. Roll up the bottom edge to make the brim. To make a tall hat, roll a smallish brim; to make a shorter hat, roll a bigger brim. Step 2: Paint...
★Draw the design: Use a pencil or a pen to draw the design on the paper. ★Cutting skills Use scissors or a knife according to the shape of your design. ★Start cutting:Cut along the lines of your design carefully.Remember not toout your fingers.Paper cutting plays an important part ...