The nervousness might be understandable – after all, lamb isn’t as ubiquitous in most Western supermarkets as the old pork, beef and chicken cuts – so people generally don’t get to practice cooking lamb as much as they do other proteins. But there are a lot of good arguments to be ...
LOVETT Maybe she wants to make peace with the past. LIZZY What past? She has never once, not once, ever said a word about being on the Titanic until two days ago. LOVETT Then we're all meeting your grandmother for the first time. LIZZY (looks at him hard) You think she was ...
he commutes in sandals and regularly pads barefoot around the oculus offices in irvine, california. there’s the tousled hair, the anachronistic attachment to his 75-mpg 2001 honda insight, the can of vitamin-enriched sparkling blackberry juice seemingly glued to his hand, and the confidence th...